Friday, June 15, 2007


We Have a Winner - A Proposed 3rd Beach Boys Compilation

Thanks to everyone who has submitted their proposed tracklist for a third Beach Boys compilation. Now, who knows if there will be one for real, but I have to believe the suits at Capitol might do something if the new "The Warmth of the Sun" CD sells anywhere near "The Sounds of Summer" CD a few years back. That set has sold over 2.5 million copies, which is just astonishing.

OK, there were some really good entries, so we will be awarding CDs to the following two people. We will also send these two proposed track lists to the Beach Boys Product Manager at Capitol, so maybe there's a chance you might have influence over a new collection. OK, Hal Blaine drumroll, please ...

1) Cliffy for "Your Summer Dream"
Cliffy was actually the first one to submit his track list, and it's a great one. I thought mine was pretty good, but Cliffy's was better. First of all, he was very smart to come up with a very commercial title (Your Summer Dream) that conjures up nice visuals, and no doubt Capitol could market this well. Also, it's got a really nice, varied set of songs that are both obscure and well-known, but all strong. My only objection would be the inclusion of "Crocodile Rock" which was recorded well after the group's heyday, and it's too closely associated with Elton John.

Cliffy does get points for including "Drive-In" because I believe Brian wanted this track in "The Warmth of the Sun" CD, but didn't quite make the cut. It is a great track, and Brian performs this on his current tour. Interestingly, Brian performs a whole bunch of songs from the new CD, so if you get a chance to see him live, take it. Cliffy also has "Add Some Music To Your Day" and "This Whole World" which are both phenomenal tracks from the Sunflower album that for some reason, didn't make the "Warmth" cut.

Good job, Cliffy - we'll let you know you're a winner!

2) Wes Clark for "Aren't You Glad"
OK, not the greatest title, because it's a little obscure for the casual fan. But, this is a great tracklist that has great, commercial songs that aren't too obscure for the average listener. There were some really cool submissions that might be better than this for hardcore fans, but remember, we're talking about a commercial release that Capitol can wrap its arms around. A few were excellent for another "Hawthorne" type release, but again, we're looking for sale here.

Wes cheated a little bit with the bonus tracks, but that's OK. "Honkin' Down The Highway" is just an awesome track and it should be on a compilation. Brian's (literally) driving arrangement and the lead singing is just out of this world. Couldn't you just picture it opening a movie with the lead driving his car down the 101? The other song picks are great too, and they cover the Boys complete career. Nice job.

Thanks to everyone for their submissions - they were all great in their own way. Again, congratulations to Cliffy and Wes, We'll send you e-mails requesting your mailing addresses so we can send you out copies of "The Warmth Of The Sun."

Hi, Michael.

This isn't sour grapes, 'cause I already bought "The Warmth of the Sun," and I agree that Cliffy's track list is good. But, with all due respect, I do have some issues with Wes' list (no offense, Wes).

1. Two of his tracks are already on "Sounds of Summer" - "When I Grow Up" and "God Only Knows." I think a live version of GOK just deprives the listener of one more great Beach Boys song.

2. For the same reason, I don't think that any solo tracks from Dennis, as good as they are, should qualify. Again, it's a BEACH BOYS compilation we're talkin' about, and as we've just seen with all the songs suggested, there are TONS of great BBs tune to add to the list. (Maybe Dennis can join the other guys' solo work on the 6th or 7th compilation.)

Anyway, the contest was a fun idea, and I agree, Michael, that there were some great track lists submitted (including mine, of course). Just wanted to add my two cents.

Steve A.
Just wondering what happened with AL coming up on the recent tour?
thanks so much.
I didn't participate in this one, but Cliffy's list? C'mon now. I vote for Keepin The Summer Alive compilation. Just my two cents though.
Sorry I missed the contest. Recently I did a comparison of a bunch of Beach Boys compilation CDs as to what songs are on which collections. The results are on my new site It might prove useful to someone trying to find a collection with just the right selections. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Surf's Up!
Hi! What is the title of the track that begins at 05:39 during the first podcast? Thanks in advance!
"In The Back Of My Mind", released on "The Beach Boys Today" (1964). Fantastic song.
Hey, Michael, thanks so much! Steve, I hear what you're saying, but I just felt that Dennis' stuff is too great to be ignored and should be common the lexicon of BB fans, both old and new.

And also my name isn't Wes, it's Gabriel (wesclark08 is just my screenname) and you (Michael) can email me at Once again, thanks so much!
Lots of good ideas ... Is this blog still alive??

www. PrayForSurfblog . blogspot . net
y wish is for chuck fox to just sing with brian one time
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